“Frustrated (Diptych) Original Artwork

“Frustrated (Diptych) Original Artwork

"Frustrated (Diptych)" - 46cm x 106cm, acrylic on canvas.

I love painting Harley Quinn in all her different forms, and painting this chaotic couple was so much fun! These two make me smile, and to top it off I finally got to name a painting after a Lauren Sanderson song. Dream come true if you ask me!

"Frustrated" was originally painted and displayed as part of SYYPHERs debut solo show "Hello, My Name Is SYYPHER" at Off The Kerb Gallery, Collingwood, Naarm in May 2024.

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Now playing: "Frustrated - Lauren Sanderson"

To get the best experience out of SYYPHERs artworks, they recommend listening to the songs the artworks are titled after, they're named that for a reason after all!

Find all the titles for their paintings by following the playlist "Hello, My Name Is SYYPHER" on Spotify.

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